
Parent class: VirWare

Viruses and worms are malicious programs that self-replicate on computers or via computer networks without the user being aware; each subsequent copy of such malicious programs is also able to self-replicate. Malicious programs which spread via networks or infect remote machines when commanded to do so by the “owner” (e.g. Backdoors) or programs that create multiple copies that are unable to self-replicate are not part of the Viruses and Worms subclass. The main characteristic used to determine whether or not a program is classified as a separate behaviour within the Viruses and Worms subclass is how the program propagates (i.e. how the malicious program spreads copies of itself via local or network resources.) Most known worms are spread as files sent as email attachments, via a link to a web or FTP resource, via a link sent in an ICQ or IRC message, via P2P file sharing networks etc. Some worms spread as network packets; these directly penetrate the computer memory, and the worm code is then activated. Worms use the following techniques to penetrate remote computers and launch copies of themselves: social engineering (for example, an email message suggesting the user opens an attached file), exploiting network configuration errors (such as copying to a fully accessible disk), and exploiting loopholes in operating system and application security. Viruses can be divided in accordance with the method used to infect a computer:
  • file viruses
  • boot sector viruses
  • macro viruses
  • script viruses
Any program within this subclass can have additional Trojan functions. It should also be noted that many worms use more than one method in order to spread copies via networks.

Class: Virus

Viruses replicate on the resources of the local machine. Unlike worms, viruses do not use network services to propagate or penetrate other computers. A copy of a virus will reach remote computers only if the infected object is, for some reason unrelated to the virus function, activated on another computer. For example: when infecting accessible disks, a virus penetrates a file located on a network resource a virus copies itself to a removable storage device or infects a file on a removable device a user sends an email with an infected attachment.

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Platform: DOS

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Technical Details

This is a family of very dangerous, polymorphic and stealth parasitic viruses. These viruses are more than 7K of length, very complex, and maybe the most complex DOS-viruses. These viruses infect EXE-, OBJ- and LIB-files, and append COM-droppers to ZIP, ARJ, and RAR archives. The viruses contain the internal text strings:

Abnormal program termination
The Virus/DOS 0.54  Copyright (c) 1995 Zhengxi Ltd
Warning! This program for internal use only!


The code of the virus receives the control from different points depending on the infection way, but in all cases the destination is the polymorphic decryption routine. In EXE files (appending) the decryption routine receives the control immediately when an EXE file is loaded into memory for execution, in EXE files (inserting) - from the code of loader (see EXE infection), in the files linked with infected OBJ/LIB files - from CALL instruction (see OBJ/LIB infection), the COM droppers have JMP instruction at their beginnings, that JMP brings control to the decryption routine.

Being decrypted, the installation routine of the virus receives the control. The virus hooks INT 1 (One Step Tracing), and traces INT 21h. While tracing, the virus searches for some specific code within INT 21h handler (that code is present in DOS 5.x and DOS 6.x). If such code is found, the virus checks several conditions, and terminates installation in some cases.

The virus terminates installation if:

  • MS Windows is installed
  • boot drive is A: or B:
  • INT 8, 13h, 28h points to the same segment (to exit installation if anti-virus monitor is installed?)
  • host file's day (date and time stamp) is the same or near the current day (two highest bits of current day number XORed with file day is equal to zero)
Then the virus allocates the block of the system memory for the virus TSR copy, stores in its body 11 bytes from the address of INT 21h handler, and patches INT 21h code with FAR CALL instruction (2F FF 1E ?? ??) which brings the control to INT 25h handler (Absolute Disk Read). Then the virus stores first five bytes of INT 25h handler and writes to there five bytes of FAR JMP to virus code. The result looks like follows:
INT 21h handler:
...              ...
+-------  2E FF 1F ????    CALL FAR  CS:Int25
�         C7 06            ????        ; magic word?
� Int25:  ???? ????        ???? ????   ; far addr of INT 25h
�         ...              ...
+> INT 25h handler:
+-------- EA ???? ????     JMP FAR  VirusHandler
�         ...              ...
+> Virus handler:
2E 8F 06 ...     POP       CS:Caller_IP
...              ...
As the result the virus has the same handler to intercept both INT 21h and INT 25h calls. To separate these calls the virus checks the address of caller (Caller_IP). If the call goes from INT 21h handler, the virus passes control to Virus INT 21h handler routine, in another case the Virus INT 25h handler receives the control.

The installation routine is complete, but the virus can move its code to other memory blocks (see INT 21h handler analysis). So, the TSR copy of the virus does not occupy the same blocks of the system memory, but may move itself to other addresses, including UMB ones.

Then the virus returns the control to the host program. There are three different variants of such return, they depend on the infection method. In case of COM dropper the virus only displays the message:

Abnormal program termination
and returns to DOS with Terminate function (INT 21h, AH=4Ch). In case of EXE-appending method of infection the virus restores the original file header by using polymorphic engine (generates polymorphic decryption routine, and executes it to restore original header, see EXE infection below). In case of EXE-inserting way the virus just returns to the host program because virus loader inserted into the file restores the original code by itself. In case of OBJ/LIB file the virus also just returns to the host program (see OBJ/LIB infection below).

INT 21h Handler

The virus intercepts 18 of INT 21h functions:
3Dh, 6Ch - Open/Create File
3Eh      - Close File
3Fh      - Read File
42h      - Lseek
4Bh      - Execute File
41h      - Delete File
11h, 12h - FindFist/Next FCB
4Eh, 4Fh - FindFist/Next ASCII
00h, 4Ch - Terminate
31h      - Stay TSR
67h      - Set Handle Count
48h, 49h, 4Ah - memory managing functions (Allocate, Free, Resize)
The Set Handle Count, Execute File and memory managing functions are used by the virus to hide its code into the system memory - the virus manipulates with MCB blocks to be not visible on memory map while using memory browsing utilities.

While intercepting of Terminate, Stay TSR and FreeMemory functions the virus moves its code to new address in the system memory. The virus allocates new block of the memory (that may be conventional or UMB memory block), and copies itself into there. So, while installing the virus does not affect UMB blocks to place its TSR copy, but then it may move itself into UMB, and hide itself in there.

While file opening the virus performs several different calls. First, the virus checks the opening mode, and if the file is opened for writing, the virus disinfects the file.

Before disinfection the virus checks the file is accessed, and the program that accesses that file (caller). The virus compares the name of accessing program (caller) with the list of the names (see below), and does not disinfect accessed file if the name of accessing program is from that list. The file names are:

In case of AH=3D00h function (Open ReadOnly) the virus performs some strange actions. It scans the code of caller, and patches it. It looks like patching of some anti-virus scanner. Fortunately, the virus has the bug, and that branch is never executed.

While opening the file the virus also brings the control to stealth routine - the virus substitutes the file length with the original one.

While reading from the file the virus calls the stealth routine. In case of reading from header of infected file the virus reads, decrypts and copies original header into the reading buffer.

In case of Lseek function the virus brings the control to another one stealth routine of the virus - the virus does not allow to seek out of original file length.

While deleting of infected file the virus disinfects it.

While searching for the files with FindFirst/Next calls the virus substitutes the file length with the original one if the file is infected.

FindFist/Next ASCII calls are also used by the virus to catch the files for infection. The virus saves the name of any file that is accessed with FindFirst function, and approximately each 5th file (with probability 3/16) accessed with FindNext function. The virus has only one buffer for the file name, so each next name overwrites previous one.

While closing of any file the virus checks and infects the file with the name that is stored in the buffer. The virus also infects the file that is closed, but is does it with probability 1/4 (by the result of virus' random generator)


Before infecting the file the virus checks several conditions:
  • the file is not "just creates" by comparing current day number with the file date and time stamp of the file (the same as while installing)
  • the file is local, and not on A: or B: drive
  • the file name is not *.?V? (*.OVL ?)
  • there is enough of free disk space (checks with INT 21h, AH=36h)
In case of all these conditions the virus reads the file header and checks it for EXE, OBJ, LIB and archives stamps.

Infecting EXE Files

The virus infects EXE by three different methods - appending, inserting, and infecting archives in self-extracting files.

First, the virus checks the file structure, and if it is self-extracting EXE file (created by ZIP2EXE, for example), the virus infects attached archive (ZIP, ARJ, RAR) by the method that is described below - creates COM dropper, and adds it to the contents of the archive.

Then the virus checks the file length, and does not infect the files with the length lesser than 400h (1024) bytes. If the length of the loadable module (note: not the file length) is larger that 32K, the virus inserts its loader into the file middle. In another case the virus infects the file by appending method.

While infecting the files by appending method the virus reads file header, encrypts and saves it to the end of the file. Then the virus runs its polymorphic generator, and saves encrypted virus body and the polymorphic loops to the file end. To finish infection the virus increases the file length to the value that being divided by 9Dh gives the rest 25h (to detect already infected files, it is virus "ID" stamp), and modifies EXE header fields (registers and module length).

Note: the virus encrypts the original header of the host file with the polymorphic encryption loop, and that loop is different with the routine that is used while encrypting the virus body. I.e. the virus calls the polymorphic engine twice - while encrypting original EXE header, and while encrypting the main body.

While executing of infected EXE file the decryption loops restores the main virus body but not original file header. To return to the host program the virus has to decrypt the host data, but engine generates random loops with random selected encryption functions. To solve that problem the virus stores initial values of random generator while encrypting the host data, and runs polymorphic generator with the same values while decrypting that data. As the result the generator brings the same code that was used while encrypting host data, and being executed that routine decrypts it.

Infecting EXE Files (Inserting)

If the file length is above than 32K, the virus seeks to the beginning of EXE main module (just after EXE header), reads 6K of the code, and looks for C/Pascal routines in there. Usually C/Pascal routines begin from the same "header" that saves the BP register, and moves stack pointer SP to BP.

The virus scans the code for that "headers" and if such code is found, the virus scans the next 54h bytes of code for RET or CALL FAR instruction to prevent overlap of next subroutine, or relocated address. If such code (RET or CALL FAR) is found, the virus exits from infection routine.

Then the virus reads 54h bytes of that routine, overwrites it with code of virus loader, then encrypts the main virus body with polymorphic engine, and saves it to the file end. Then the virus encrypts with simple SUB function the original code of subroutine and the second part of the loader, and saves it to the end of the file. Then the virus writes to the end of the file the random data with the same way as while "appending" method of infection.

Not infected         Infected
------------         --------
+--------------+     +--------------+
�Exe Header    �     �Exe Header    �
+--------------�     +--------------�
�Main EXE code �     �Main EXE code �
�--------------�     �--------------�
�C/Pascal subr �--+  �Virus loader  � Part 1, 52h bytes, not encrypted
�--------------�  �  �--------------�
�              �  �  �Main EXE code �
�              �  �  �(continued)   �
+--------------+  �  +--------------�
�  �Virus         � Encrypted with polymorphic loops
�  �--------------�
�  �Virus loader  � Part 2, encrypted with SUB command
�  �--------------� 70h bytes
+->�Saved code    � Original code of patched subroutine,
�--------------� 52h bytes, encrypted with SUB
�Random data   � file length / 9Dh , the rest is 25h
Being executed the loader looks for the host file name by using PSP fields, opens the files, seeks to the file end, then reads, decrypts and executes the second part of the dropper. That part restores the patched subroutine, allocates the system memory (conventional or UMB), reads the main virus body, and passes the control to the decryption polymorphic loop. That loop decrypts the virus body, and passes the control to installation routine.

That is very insidious way of infection. The code of the virus is hidden in the file, and there is no direct entry to the virus code from the file header. The subroutine replaced with virus loader may be "seldom-executed" one. For example, the subroutine that displays the error message. So the virus may "sleep" in such files for a long time, and then jump out and infect the system under some limited conditions.

Infecting Archives

In case of archive the virus creates in memory the image of infected COM dropper, and appends it to the archive. That COM droppers always begins with JMP instruction followed by random data, encrypted virus code and decryption polymorphic loop. The JMP instruction brings the control to decryption loop.

The name of dropper is random selected and finished with .COM extension, for example:

While processing the archive fields the virus does not use any external utility, but fills by itself all necessary fields. The virus does not packs the dropper, but uses "stored" method - the virus is stored in archive "as is". While infecting the virus checks the contents of archives, and does not infect them twice.

Infecting OBJ and LIB Files

While infecting OBJ/LIB modules the virus checks the fields of the file, creates, and inserts into there new object records containing the virus code that is encrypted with polymorphic loops.

While scanning object file the virus checks the code of that file for C/Pascal subroutine "header" as well as while inserting into EXE files, and infects the files only if that code is found. But in case of OBJ or LIB module the virus does not drops the code of loader into there, but overwrites the C/Pascal header with CALL instruction (E8xxxx).

Being linked into executable file that CALL brings the control to the virus polymorphic decryption loop. That loop decrypts the virus code and passes the control to the virus installation routine.

As well as in EXE files (inserting) that CALL may never receive the control, and virus may sleep for a long time. But under some conditions the virus may jump out, and infect the system.

INT 25h Handler

This handler realizes stealth routine on INT 25h level. While accessing to directory entries the virus substitutes the file length with original ones, while reading the header of infected file the virus restores it, and brings in original form.

The virus does not realizes 100% stealth on INT 25h level, of course. There are the ways to bypass stealth routine. But if some anti-virus program reads the file contents by INT 21h DOS functions, then reads directory structure and then file contents by absolute INT 25h calls, the virus stays not visible.

Trigger Routine

IF while processing ZIP files the virus finds some record that is packed with "stored" method, it checks the ZIP file date and time stamp. If the year of last modification of that file is 1996 or more, the virus search for all files of all directories of all disks from C: till Z:, then deletes the files and whole subdirectory tree.

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