Parent class: TrojWare
Trojans are malicious programs that perform actions which are not authorized by the user: they delete, block, modify or copy data, and they disrupt the performance of computers or computer networks. Unlike viruses and worms, the threats that fall into this category are unable to make copies of themselves or self-replicate. Trojans are classified according to the type of action they perform on an infected computer.Class: Trojan-Banker
Trojan-Banker programs are designed to steal user account data relating to online banking systems, e-payment systems and plastic card systems. The data is then transmitted to the malicious user controlling the Trojan. Email, FTP, the web (including data in a request), or other methods may be used to transit the stolen data.Read more
Platform: Win32
Win32 is an API on Windows NT-based operating systems (Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.) that supports execution of 32-bit applications. One of the most widespread programming platforms in the world.Description
In terms of capabilities, this malware family replicates the Zeus family, upon which its source code is based. The main difference is in the method used for packaging the configuration file. While basic versions of Zeus used RC4+XOR for package encryption, followed by a configuration file in the zeus_storage format, the structure used by Floki is more complicated. The response from the server is encrypted using RC4+XOR, followed by data split into sections in a format that is unique to Floki. Combining parts from each section gives complete information. The first byte indicates the data type: • Configuration file, if the first byte is 00 • Update, if the first byte is 01 • Command, if the first byte is 02 The configuration file is re-encrypted using RC4+XOR and, once decrypted, has the standard zeus_storage format. Updates consist of unencrypted MZ/PE files. Commands also arrive unencrypted, in the standard zeus_storage format. The decrypted configuration file and commands are compatible with the Zeus family.Countries with attacked users (% of total attacks)
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