Parent class: Malware
Malicious tools are malicious programs designed to automatically create viruses, worms, or Trojans, conduct DoS attacks on remote servers, hack other computers, etc. Unlike viruses, worms, and Trojans, malware in this subclass does not present a direct threat to the computer it runs on, and the program’s malicious payload is only delivered on the direct order of the user.Read more
Class: Constructor
Constructor programs are designed to create new viruses, worms, and Trojans. There are known Constructors for DOS, Windows, and macro platforms. These programs generate malicious program source code, object modules, and/or malicious files. Some Constructors have a standard Windows-type interface in which a menu is used to select the type of malicious program, self-encryption options, anti-debugging features, etc.Read more
Platform: MSWord
Microsoft Word (MS Word) is a popular word processor and part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word files have a .doc or .docx extension.Description
Technical Details
This is a macro Word97 virus construction tool. The constructor itself is a Word97 document that contains sixteen modules: CPCK, IntroFrm, Page1, OptionsFrm, PayloadFrm, Export, Done, vsmp, RegFrm, InsultFrm, WDMfrm, PlugInFrm, Class1, About, Main, TriggerFrm.
When run, the constructor displays a picture containing the text "Class.Poppy CONSTRUCTION KIT by VicodinES". It then displays a menu with many future virus settings. The tool allows to choose methods of replicating, polymorphic mechanisms, methods of interception and many effects of different kinds.
Generated effects can operate on calendar days, and they display MessageBoxes, dialogues, edit system registry, etc. It is also possible to add a "customized" effect that is entered as a Visual Basic subroutine.
The constructor then requests a virus name and creates an infected document.
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