Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in VMware products. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause privelege escalation, cross site scripting and arbitrary code execution.
- A vulnerability, related with using VNC can be exploited remotely via sending specipic VNC packets to execute arbitrary code;
- A vulnerability in ESXi Host Client component can be exploited remotely to perform cross site scripting;
- A vulnerability in VMware vCenter Server Appliance can be exploited remotely gain privileges.
Technical details
Vulnerability (1) is affected VMvare Workstation, VMvare Fusion and VMvare ESXi products
Vulnerability (3) is affected VMware ESXi
Vulnerability (3) is affected VMware vCenter Server Appliance
NB: This vulnerability does not have any public CVSS rating, so rating can be changed by the time.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2017-4933 critical
- CVE-2017-4940 critical
- CVE-2017-4941 critical
- CVE-2017-4943 critical
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