Parent class: VirWare
Viruses and worms are malicious programs that self-replicate on computers or via computer networks without the user being aware; each subsequent copy of such malicious programs is also able to self-replicate. Malicious programs which spread via networks or infect remote machines when commanded to do so by the “owner” (e.g. Backdoors) or programs that create multiple copies that are unable to self-replicate are not part of the Viruses and Worms subclass. The main characteristic used to determine whether or not a program is classified as a separate behaviour within the Viruses and Worms subclass is how the program propagates (i.e. how the malicious program spreads copies of itself via local or network resources.) Most known worms are spread as files sent as email attachments, via a link to a web or FTP resource, via a link sent in an ICQ or IRC message, via P2P file sharing networks etc. Some worms spread as network packets; these directly penetrate the computer memory, and the worm code is then activated. Worms use the following techniques to penetrate remote computers and launch copies of themselves: social engineering (for example, an email message suggesting the user opens an attached file), exploiting network configuration errors (such as copying to a fully accessible disk), and exploiting loopholes in operating system and application security. Viruses can be divided in accordance with the method used to infect a computer:- file viruses
- boot sector viruses
- macro viruses
- script viruses
Class: Virus
Viruses replicate on the resources of the local machine. Unlike worms, viruses do not use network services to propagate or penetrate other computers. A copy of a virus will reach remote computers only if the infected object is, for some reason unrelated to the virus function, activated on another computer. For example: when infecting accessible disks, a virus penetrates a file located on a network resource a virus copies itself to a removable storage device or infects a file on a removable device a user sends an email with an infected attachment.Read more
Platform: MSWord
Microsoft Word (MS Word) is a popular word processor and part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word files have a .doc or .docx extension.Description
Technical Details
This Word macro virus contains nineteen macros:
SweetPakisPratiwi PakisPratiwiFileSave, FileSave PakisPratiwiFileSaveAs, FileSaveAs PakisPratiwiFileTemplates, FileTemplates PakisPratiwiToolsMacro, ToolsMacro PakisPratiwiToolsCustomize, ToolsCustomize PakisPratiwiAutoExec, AutoExec PakisPratiwiAutoClose, AutoClose PakisPratiwiAutoOpen, AutoOpen PakisPratiwiFileOpen, FileOpenIt infects the global macros area on opening an infected document (AutoOpen) and infects other documents on opening, saving and saving with new name (FileOpen, FileSave, FileSaveAs).
On opening a document, before infecting it, the virus deletes all macros in there (if they exist). When closing the virus rewrites the FileOpen macro (tries to protect itself against other viruses?)
On August 19 it displays the MessageBox:
Happy Birthday, Pakis Pratiwi... Buat : Pakis Pratiwi ( dimanapun kamu ! ) Dari : Aku ( yang peduli sama kamu ! )Starting from 1998, starting from 19:00 the virus displays the UserDialog:
Come to where the fucker is ... Berawal dari sebuah kepedihan... Aku dicampakkan dan dihinakan... Terpuruk bagaikan sampah busuk... Aku merintih... ( dengan segumpal dendam mendidih ) Kini saatnya Aku menunjukkan... Masih adanya sebuah kekuatan... Membungkam mulut-mulut tak berperasaan... Sebab hasrat untuk menjadi yang terbaik... Adalah sesuatu yang sangat manusiawi... Aku menangis harus melibatkan semua orang.In it's macro SweetPakisPratiwi the virus contains the comments:
Cuplikan diary ini adalah kejadian nyata perjalanan hidupku. Satu harapan besarku, semoga Tiwi tahu segala perasaanku. Semoga... '=============================================' 'Catatan : ' 'Beberapa bagian dari diary ini telah disensor' 'tanpa mengurangi makna dan isinya. ' '=============================================' ------------------------------- Date : July 5, 1995 Time : 9:08 p.m. Pagi test ********, kelihatannya suksessss... ketemu sama ****, Sorenya latihan ke *********, kemudian ke ****, pertama kali ketemu sama Tiwi (katanya adiknya ***** (?))... dianya manis lho.... swear! ------------------------------- Date : July 9, 1995 Time : 8:11 p.m. Tragedi ******... Dapet juara *, Rp *****,-... penempatan kaki kurang bagus... kenalan sama Tiwi, adiknya *****. Sekarang ngan- tuk !!! ------------------------------- Date : August 30, 1995 Time : 7:15 p.m. Nggak ada yang berkesan di hari ini selain sepi dan sepi dan sepi... Ah nasib. Tapi mengapa aku harus menyesali nasib ? Yang jelas aku masih menyimpan rasa sayang sama Tiwi. Itu saja. ------------------------------- Date : March 21, 1996 Time : 8:53 p.m. Nelpon **** nggak ada, nelpon Tiwi udah bobo', ya udah dech, sekarang belajar... biar besok sukses !!! Semoga. *** Buat apa sih hidup terlalu lurus ????? *** *** Karena hidup nggak sesederhana itu !!! *** *** Sekali-kali jadi bajingan apa salahnya ???? *** ------------------------------- Date : August 19, 1996 Time : 8:33 p.m. Hari ini Tiwi ulang tahun yang ke **... selamat ya !!! Tambah umur... Tambah dewasa... Tambah cakep... ... OK ! ... Selainnya itu ... nggak ada temen... sepi !!!
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