Multiple memory corruption vulnerabilities were found in Apple iTunes. By exploiting this vulnerability malicious users can execute arbitrary code and cause denial of service. This vulnerability can be exploited remotely via a specially crafted webpage.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2017-13784 high
- CVE-2017-13785 high
- CVE-2017-13791 high
- CVE-2017-13792 high
- CVE-2017-13794 high
- CVE-2017-13795 high
- CVE-2017-13796 high
- CVE-2017-13798 high
- CVE-2017-13802 high
- CVE-2017-13783 high
- CVE-2017-13788 high
- CVE-2017-13793 high
- CVE-2017-13803 high
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