An improper validation of untrusted input was found in Microsoft .NET Framework. By exploiting this vulnerability malicious users can execute arbitrary code. This vulnerability can be exploited remotely via a specially designed document or application.
Technical details
NB: This vulnerability does not have any public CVSS rating, so rating can be changed by the time.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2017-8759 critical
KB Liste
- 4038788
- 4038782
- 4038783
- 4038781
- 4040955
- 4040956
- 4040957
- 4040958
- 4040959
- 4040960
- 4040964
- 4040965
- 4040966
- 4040967
- 4040971
- 4040972
- 4040973
- 4040974
- 4040975
- 4040977
- 4040978
- 4040979
- 4040980
- 4040981
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