DIESER SERVICE KANN ÜBERSETZUNGEN VON GOOGLE ENTHALTEN. GOOGLE ÜBERNIMMT KEINERLEI VERANTWORTUNG FÜR DIE ÜBERSETZUNGEN. DARUNTER FÄLLT JEGLICHE VERANTWORTUNG IN BEZUG AUF RICHTIGKEIT UND ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT SOWIE JEGLICHE STILLSCHWEIGENDEN GEWÄHRLEISTUNGEN DER MARKTGÄNGIGKEIT, NICHT-VERLETZUNG VON RECHTEN DRITTER ODER DER EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Die Website von Kaspersky Lab wurde für Ihre Bequemlichkeit mithilfe einer Übersetzungssoftware von Google Translate übersetzt. Es wurden angemessene Bemühungen für die Bereitstellung einer akkuraten Übersetzung unternommen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass automatisierte Übersetzungen nicht perfekt sind und menschliche Übersetzer in keinem Fall ersetzen sollen. Übersetzungen werden den Nutzern der Kaspersky-Lab-Website als Service und "wie sie sind" zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Richtigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit oder Korrektheit jeglicher Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen in eine andere Sprache wird weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend garantiert. Einige Inhalte (z. B. Bilder, Videos, Flash, usw.) können aufgrund der Einschränkungen der Übersetzungssoftware möglicherweise nicht inhaltsgetreu übersetzt werden.
Kaspersky ID:


Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Google Chrome. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause denial of service, spoof user interface, bypass security restrictions, execute arbitrary code or obtain sensitive information.

Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities

  1. An improper content security policies implementation at Blink can be exploited remotely via CSP reports reading to obtain sensitive information;
  2. Use-after-free vulnerability at Extensions can be exploited remotely via vectors related to script deletion to cause denial of service or possibly have another unspecified impact;
  3. Lack of security restrictions at Blink can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to bypass security restrictions;
  4. Lack of security restrictions at Proxy Auto-Config can be exploited remotely via a specially designed PAC script to obtain sensitive information;
  5. An improper origin information handling during proxy authentication can be exploited remotely via man-in-the-middle attack to spoof user interface or modify client-server data stream;
  6. An improper Secure Context implementation at Service Workers can be exploited remotely via specially designed data to bypass security restrictions;
  7. Use-after-free vulnerability in libxml2 can be exploited remotely via vectors related to XPointer to cause denial of service or possibly have another unspecified impact;
  8. Lack of restrictions can be exploited remotely via a specially designed website to spoof URL display;
  9. An improper objects processing at V8 can be exploited remotely via a specially designed JavaScript code to cause denial of service or possibly have another unspecified impact;
  10. Lack of restrictions at V8 can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to bypass security restrictions;
  11. Use-after-free vulnerability at Blink can be exploited remotely via a specially designed JavaScript code to cause denial of service or possibly have another unspecified impact;
  12. Lack of restrictions at Blink can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to bypass security restrictions;
  13. Heap buffer overflow at sfntly can be exploited remotely via a specially designed SFNT font to cause denial of service or have another unspecified impact;
  14. Lack of restrictions at Extensions can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to cause denial of service or possibly have another unspecified impact;
  15. Lack of restrictions can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to spoof user interface; (iOS)
  16. An improper messages validation at PPAPI implementation can be exploited via a specially designed messages to bypass security restrictions;
  17. Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service or possibly have another unknown impact;

Technical details

Vulnerability (1) related to CSPSource::schemeMatches function in WebKit/Source/core/frame/csp/CSPSource.cpp in the Content Security Policy (CSP) implementation which does not apply http policies to https urls and does not apply ws policies to wss urls which makes it easier to determine whether a specific HSTS web site has been visited.

Vulnerability (2) related to extensions/renderer/user_script_injector.cc.

Vulnerability (3) related to WebKit/Source/core/html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp which does not consider referrer-policy information inside an HTML document during a preload request. This vulnerability can be exploited to bypass CSP protection.

Vulnerability (4) related to net/proxy/proxy_service.cc which does not ensure that URL information is restricted to a scheme, host, and port . Exploitation of this vulnerability can allow to discover credentials.

Vulnerability (5) can be exploited via proxy authentication login prompt.

Vulnerability (6) can be exploited via https IFRAME element inside an http IFRAME element.

Vulnerability (7) related to the XPointer range-to function.

Vulnerability (8) related to content/renderer/history_controller.cc which does not restrict multiple uses of a JavaScript forward method.

Vulnerability (9) related to improper handling of left-trimmed objects.

Vulnerability (10) related to objects.cc which does not prevent API interceptors from modifying a store target without setting a property.

Vulnerability (11) related to WebKit/Source/core/editing/VisibleUnits.cpp and can be triggered via JavaScript code involving an @import at-rule in a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) token sequence in conjunction with a rel=import attribute of a LINK element.

Vulnerability (12) related to ChromeClientImpl::createWindow method in WebKit/Source/web/ChromeClientImpl.cpp which does not prevent window creation by a deferred frame.

Vulnerability (13) related to ByteArray::Get method in data/byte_array.cc.

Vulnerability (14) related to inline-installation implementation which does not properly consider lifetime.

Vulnerability (15) related to ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.mm which does not ensure that invalid URL is replaced with the about:blank URL.

Vulnerability (16) caused by lack of validation the origin of IPC messages to the plugin broker process that should have come from the browser process. This vulnerability related to broker_process_dispatcher.cc, ppapi_plugin_process_host.cc, ppapi_thread.cc, and render_frame_message_filter.cc.

Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise

CVE Liste

  • CVE-2016-5137
  • CVE-2016-5136
  • CVE-2016-5135
  • CVE-2016-5134
  • CVE-2016-5133
  • CVE-2016-5132
  • CVE-2016-5131
  • CVE-2016-5130
  • CVE-2016-5129
  • CVE-2016-5128
  • CVE-2016-5127
  • CVE-2016-1711
  • CVE-2016-1710
  • CVE-2016-1709
  • CVE-2016-1708
  • CVE-2016-1707
  • CVE-2016-1706
  • CVE-2016-1705

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