Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Microsoft .NET Framework. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to bypass security restrictions,.
Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities
- Erroneous XML parsing at Document Type Definition can be exploited remotely via a specially designed XML file to obtain sensitive information;
- Improper HTTP requests validation at ASP.NET can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web content to inject arbitrary script;
- Improper Address Space Layout Randomization implementation can be exploited remotely via a specially designed web site to bypass security restrictions.
Technical details
By exploiting (1) attacker can gain read access to local files.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2015-6099 warning
- CVE-2015-6096 warning
- CVE-2015-6115 warning
KB Liste
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