Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Apache httpd. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain privileges, cause denial of service, execute arbitrary code, obtain sensitive information or bypass security restrictions. Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities
- An integer overflow vulnerability can be exploited locally via a specially designed HTTP request & htaccess file;
- A stack consumption vulnerability can be exploited via a specially designed fnmatch call;
- Vectors related to the scoreboard can be exploited via modifying memory segments;
- A nonsecure write vulnerability can be exploited remotely via a specially designed HTTP request;
- An improper restriction vulnerability can be exploited remotely via specially designed header & web scripts ;
- Vectors related to mod_proxy can be exploited remotely via a specially formed URI;
- Vectors related to byterange filter can be exploited remotely via specially formed headers.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2011-3192 critical
- CVE-2013-1862 critical
- CVE-2012-0031 critical
- CVE-2011-0419 critical
- CVE-2011-3607 critical
- CVE-2011-3368 critical
- CVE-2012-0053 critical
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