
Parent class: TrojWare

Trojans are malicious programs that perform actions which are not authorized by the user: they delete, block, modify or copy data, and they disrupt the performance of computers or computer networks. Unlike viruses and worms, the threats that fall into this category are unable to make copies of themselves or self-replicate. Trojans are classified according to the type of action they perform on an infected computer.

Class: Trojan

A malicious program designed to electronically spy on the user’s activities (intercept keyboard input, take screenshots, capture a list of active applications, etc.). The collected information is sent to the cybercriminal by various means, including email, FTP, and HTTP (by sending data in a request).

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Platform: MSWord

Microsoft Word (MS Word) is a popular word processor and part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word files have a .doc or .docx extension.


Technical Details

This is a Word macro trojan. It contains two macros: AutoOpen and Fun. The trojanized document inside contains the text "Hello Guys! Oh, please stay here and look!" and the image of a face. While opening that document the virus copies its "Fun" macro to global macro area by name "AutoOpen", then it maximizes the face and draws it. On loading with infected NORMAL.DOT the virus fills the current directory with random named files containing the text:

Nikita (1997) Nightmare Joker [SLAM]

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