Multiple serious vulnerabilities were found in Mozilla Thunderbird. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause denial of service, gain privileges, execute arbitrary code.
Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities:
- Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service;
- Out-of-bounds write vulnerability related to Mozilla Updater can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service;
- Vulnerability related to proxy can be exploited remotely via specially crafted file to gain privileges;
- Memory corruption vulnerability can be exploited to execute arbitrary code;
- Vulnerability related to TransportSecurityInfo can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service;
- Vulnerability related to master password can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2018-12377 warning
- CVE-2018-12378 warning
- CVE-2018-12379 warning
- CVE-2017-16541 warning
- CVE-2018-12383 warning
- CVE-2018-12376 warning
- CVE-2018-12385 warning
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