Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Mozilla Firefox. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause denial of service and obtain sensitive information.
- A buffer overflow vulnerability in Direct 3D 9 component can be exploited remotely to cause denial of service;
- A vulnerability in IndexedDB component can be exploited remotely to obtain sensitive information;
Technical details
Vulnerability(1) is related to Firefox and Firefox ESR for Windows OS, other operating systems are unaffected.
Vulnerability(2) is related to Mozilla Firefox ESR
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2017-7843 critical
- CVE-2017-7845 critical
KB Liste
- KB is Microsoft Knowledge Base article (In security case it corresponds Microsoft Security Advisory). KB is an atomic part of Microsoft security updates, which is detected by Microsoft Updater and can be installed or reverted. KB can contain not only programmatically updates and not only updates released by Microsoft.
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