Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Kaspersky products. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause denial of service or obtain sensitive information.
Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities:
- Multiple information leaks in different IOCTL handlers of Kaspersky Internet Security KLDISK driver can be exploited locally via a specially designed IOCTL requests to return out-of-bounds kernel memory and possibly obtain sensitive information as a result;
- Vulnerabilities in syscall filtering functionality of Kaspersky Internet Security KLIF driver can be expoited locally via a specially designed native api call to cause an access violation resulting in a denial of service.
Technical details
All vulnerabilities can be exploited only in case machine already contains a malicious program.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2016-4306 warning
- CVE-2016-4305 warning
- CVE-2016-4304 warning
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