Multiple serious vulnerabilities have been found in Apache HTTP Server. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to cause a denial of service.
Below is a complete list of vulnerabilities
- Stack recursion crash in the mod_lua module in the lua_request.c file in lua_websocket_read function can lead to cause a denial of service via specially crafted PING request.
- The read_request_line function in server/protocol.c file doesn’t properly initialize the protocol structure member which can lead to cause a denial of service via specially crafted request.
- The chunked transfer coding implementation parse chunk headers improperly which can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling Attack via a specially crafted request
- The ap_some_auth_required function in server/request.c file has design error which renders the API unusuable.
Ursprüngliche Informationshinweise
CVE Liste
- CVE-2015-0228 warning
- CVE-2015-0253 warning
- CVE-2015-3183 warning
- CVE-2015-3185 warning
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